The Guardian - Money: Monday February 12, 2024
Editorial: A Britcoin would trade convenience for societal dangers that hard cash keeps in check
Central Bank Digital Currencies
Digital Pound
Decrypt: Thursday January 25, 2024
British policy makers are still undecided on a digital pounddubbed "Britcoin"following a central bank digital currency (CBDC) consultation.
Central Bank Digital Currency
Digital Pound
Finextra: Thursday July 06, 2023
UK Finance, the collective voice for the UK banking and finance industry, has clashed with the bank of England on the proposed 10,000 to 20,000 ceiling on individual holdings in a future central bank digital currency, arguing that such a limit could result in a run on bank deposits.
Central Bank Digital Currency
CoinGeek: Saturday July 01, 2023
Tom Mutton, who heads the digital pound initiative at the BoE, says it will have a 10,000-20,000 limit, will trial blockchain, and geared toward privacy.
Digital Pound
CBDC Insider: Saturday July 01, 2023
The man in charge of the UKs effort to explore a central bank digital currency (CBDC) isnt sure whether a digital pound would actually leverage blockchain technology...
Central Bank Digital Currency
Digital Pound
Decrypt: Tuesday June 27, 2023
The Bank of England's CBDC lead said there's considerable debate about whether the digital pound would leverage blockchain technology.